Cross Over Global Outreach

In May 2012, a COGO team of ten traveled into Kenya, Africa once again. This time they stayed in the south-central city of Narok and traveled about ten miles each day to a small village called Ewaso Nyiro (which means “red water”). Pastor Jackson Kenanda has started a new church there among the Maasai people. They are a tribe of herdsmen-warriors known for their red “suka” coverings and stretched ear-lobes with colorful beading who live in this safari region of the Great Rift Valley. The COGO team joined with a twelve-member Ugandan team overseen by Ron and Shirley DeVore from WOMF (World Outreach Ministry Foundation). The purpose of this joint venture: to hold a week-long crusade to boost the growth of the new church, The Ewaso Nyiro Worship Centre.

Setting the course for each day, the team met for 7 am word and prayer which was a profound, prophetic time of fellowship. Then mornings were spent doing street and house-to-house witnessing to share the love of Jesus and invite folks out to the crusade. The crusades were held in the late afternoons beginning with powerful worship, followed by the gospel message. There were not just many salvations, but healings! A young deaf girl received her hearing, a blind girl her sight, a man’s arm injury was healed, and a lame woman was straightened – these are just a few miracles we were aware of. In the evenings, revival meetings were held in their rented church building which seats only a small crowd. The rest gathered around the doorways to hear the teaching geared toward the new believers. After, the two teams, now one, joined in chain prayer throughout the night to keep a full circle of spiritual alert.

In March 2012, COGO sent funding for the purchase of a half-acre of ground to build a new church facility. This building will not only house the Ewaso Nyiro church body, but a Bible school as well. It will be the base for KCOM (Kenya Christian Outreach Ministries), a branch of WOMF into the entire country of Kenya. The land is in a prime development area set aside for housing and a market center not far from the main road leading into Narok with close access to electricity. In addition, there’s opportunity to purchase adjoining property in the future. The estimated cost of construction is $50,000 which includes erecting property fencing, drilling water, and building a water tower. As soon as the funds are raised, the construction can begin. Donations for the “Narok Project” are welcomed with advance appreciation and, as is our policy, all monies designated to a COGO project go 100% into that project.

The Narok trip was a huge success beyond what we could have imagined. Apart from the amazing ministry and divine teamwork, we also participated in Pastor Jackson’s wedding, had two days of breath-taking safari, and various memorable adventures along the way. The trip may be over, but it’s the beginning of a new ministry – and though set in obscurity, is destined for high impact throughout Kenya.

Read more in our Summer 2012 Update