Cross Over Global Outreach

COGO Timeline

Some highlights since the birth of COGO:

• In 2000 the Cosgroves left for western Kenya for their first nine-month tour in Africa. The divine orchestration of this move joined them with Pastor John Okinda in Migori, Kenya. While there the architectural plans were drawn up for a 330’x 30’ two-story facility. David began teaching and preaching in numerous churches, conferences, and crusades throughout the Nyanza region.

• In 2001 the training center land was purchased, cleared, graded, and eager African laborers laid the foundation footers! Also, a 35-foot well was hand dug on the property. David and his family returned to the U.S. in June 2001.

• While home, David raised funds. Modifications of the original foundation were made, thousands of bricks were bought, and the walls of the entire first floor were built.

• The Cosgrove family returned to Migori, Kenya, in 2002 for another nine-month stay. During this time, the huge cement slab between the two stories was constructed.  Much of that fundraising was done by long distance means while the construction was done simultaneously in portions. It was slow and painstaking, but the slab was completed just as the Cosgroves returned to the U.S. in June 2003.

• After their return, to the glory of God, John Okinda was able to build the walls of the training center’s entire second story up to the roof through his own personal funding.  This allowed COGO to begin diversifying into Bulgaria.

• May 2004 David and two comrades took a short-term trip into Silistra, Bulgaria to see and hear firsthand the communication vision of long-time friends Niki and Rossi Markov.

• In 2005 COGO concentrated on stateside fundraising for the roof of the MSOMI building in Kenya and a larger printing press for the Eagle Publishing House in Bulgaria.  In November, Bishop John Okinda and his wife Pamela visited the Cosgroves here in the US.

• April 2006 David, Elese, and their son, Japheth, took a team of eight into Bulgaria.  The larger printing press was purchased and moved into the publishing house, a village church was planted, and local meetings were held in the Silistra church.  In Kenya, 2006 was the year of constructing the MSOMI roof.

• In February 2007 COGO took a twelve-person team into Migori, Kenya, for a successful trip of construction and ministry.  The first class of students graduated from the Migori School of Ministry International in May.

• July 2008 was a momentous month as the final monies for finishing the construction of the MSOMI training center were sent to Kenya.  Inside furnishings and utility work are still needed, but COGO’s commitment is complete.  Also, a large gift was sent to Niki Markov in Bulgaria towards the upward additions of the Eagle Publishing House.

• In Spring 2009 David, with two brothers, took a reconnaissance trip into Tanzania preaching in three main cities across the country: Dar Es Salaam, Tabora, and Kigoma.

• In 2010, David spent three weeks traveling throughout Kenya, Tanzania, and Burundi visiting with various missionary families. COGO received an open door for future ministry in all of Burundi's 480+ FECABU churches.

• In July 2011 David and Elese started weekly COGO meetings for those interested in missions and David's teaching.

• A six-member COGO team went into Bulgaria in July 2011. The project: to pour a concrete pad for a recreational area and cafe in front of the New Generation Church led by Pastor Emil Nedelchev. This is for evangelistic outreach to the community of Silistra. During the trip David and Elese met Blago Genchev, a young Bulgarian with a divine call to the Philippines. COGO raised his airfare to be able to accompany Niki Markov and Don Capwell to the Philippines in October.

• In August 2011 the Cosgroves went to Uganda at the invitation of Bro. Ron DeVore of World Outreach Ministry Foundation to speak at a large pastors' conference. There David and Elese met Jackson Kenanda, a young Kenyan pastor starting a new church. Plans were made to accompany the DeVores to Narok, Kenya in May 2012 for a week-long crusade and ministry.

• Jan 2012 COGO helped launch our Bulgarian brother, Blago Genchev, into the Philippines for a full year on the field..

• March 2012 COGO sent funding to purchase land for the construction of the Ewaso Nyiro Worship Centre near Narok, Kenya. This building will not only house Pastor Kenanda’s church body, but a Bible school as well, and will be the base of operations for KCOM (Kenya Christian Outreach Ministries) throughout all of Kenya

•May 2012 the previous year’s plans were carried out. A COGO team of ten joined with the DeVore’s Ugandan team to minister in Pastor Jackson’s village of Ewaso Nyiro (“red water”). There was house-to-house witnessing, a week-long crusade, revival meetings, and the showing of the “Jesus” movie. Many salvations and healings occurred. Pastor Jackson was also married that week!

Contact COGO at: or 607-358-4182.