Cross Over Global Outreach

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February 2013

We’re back and barely dustless, but restless for more of the same to come. Our team of seven that left Christmas Day for Ewaso Ngiro, Kenya is safely back on USA turf with the fresh excitement of what was accomplished and what is before us to further the kingdom in this remote area. Most of you are aware that we are ministering among the Maasai tribe of Kenya on the fringe of the Maasai Mara Game Reserve where it’s not an oddity to encounter wild animals almost anywhere near our neighborhood. We’re that close.

Maasai Man Walking Masai Woman Maasia Sitting
We ministered at a Maasai home group gathering where the hostess shared that a month or so before we arrived they had an elephant break into their compound to get water from their supply. Our cook, Ezekiel, left our living quarters one evening mentioning the need to get home soon because of the “chui” or the cheetah. This fastest animal on legs can reach a speed of 70-miles an hour which makes him a formidable predator you do not want to face, especially after dark. Ezekiel, carrying a hefty club with a metal ring on the end called a “rungu”, made off at dusk with our prayers following him home. Yes, he survived without incident. There are many other stories beyond belief, but the greatest marvel is that these people, the Maasai, who have remained largely opposed to and even unreached by the gospel in measure, are flocking to Christ in groves.

Geoff Pollack and I, who have been longtime mission partners, were taken by a couple of the African pastors on motorcycles (called boda-bodas) 1 ½ hours out into desolate, arid prairie lands to minister to a new church beginning among the Maasai. Stopping along the way to take a break at a waterhole, we had four Maasai cross an enormous range where they graze their livestock just to meet us. In short order, Geoff led two of them to the Lord. One of those who did not receive the Lord requested the pastors to come preach to his family on another day. This type of response is not unusual. Harvest is in the air there. And yes, we did finally reach the Maasai church that was just beginning, but not before preaching to another group that we were told was that church. Oops! That’s a first and wow, what an antsy crowd to minister to. Yup, there’s nothing like sharing the wrong message with the wrong crowd while expecting a right response. Welcome to the front! Regardless, Christ was preached!

Boda Boda
The wrong group the right group
The diversity of our team allowed us to divide and minister in several churches at a time, let alone neighborhoods, a medical center, and even one of the local schools. Coupled with our former trip in May of 2012, this longer trip has given us some serious in-roads to the people of the community at large (both urban and rural) where relationships are being established for the future work of the Lord here. Our team that had many day-to-day opportunities to minister in the neighborhoods of Ewaso Ngiro saw numerous people turn over their lives to the Lord Jesus with receiving the Holy Spirit. The testimonies were wonderfully heart-breaking at times. Given the quantity of those coming to the Lord, we encouraged Pastor Kenanda to utilize some of the funds we’ve set aside for the future church-Bible school, to build a larger temporary structure to house the many he cannot now fit in his present church building. Construction begins soon!

Geoff Praying Tess Praying Jerusha at the Medical Center Linda Loving
An error made on the original location of the land sold to Pastor Kenanda for the church-Bible school looked like a potential setback. However, after meeting with the land surveyor, the problem was rectified with the surveyor providing a new property closer to the main tarmac which offers better visibility and easier access for municipal power hook-ups. It’s great how a perceivable mistake can end up an inconceivable blessing when God is authorizing your labor!

As a final note, our team’s daily gathering for prayer at the 7am hour was an incredible feeding time in the Holy Spirit. The thoughts and words the team faithfully brought forth as they were quickened of God set the course for our needed perspective, pace, and peace in the work we had ahead. Our separate messages ministered in different meetings were amazingly in the same vein as though we had collaborated on what we’d be teaching. God’s faithfulness in confirming us in word, deed, sign, and wonder has certainly fueled our hearts for our days in this field to come. Stay with us for the next stage

Penny Preaching
of our building in this vision. A bore-hole to be drilled for water is next, followed by the footers and foundation being poured. Many brethren in the Ewaso Ngiro community are already expressing their desire to attend and have every benefit of this future Church/Bible School. For those of you who are serious about prayer, please agree with us for the provisions needed to bring this vision to fulfillment. Many thanks and blessings to all you co-laborers of this harvest!

His for the Uttermost Parts…Dave & Elese

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